Netflix: A Love/Hate Relationship
Have you ever been challenged by the amount of time you give to Netflix? Maybe you’ve felt guilt about bingeing Disney+ or realised you’ve spent more time scrolling Amazon Prime than actually watching a series.
Life is full and it is easy to fall prey to the temptation to breath in and tune out. To allow actors to fill our minds with cheap throwaway lines while they live fake lives on a screen. We allow them to shape and mould our minds and in turn our hearts and convictions.
We are all called to greatness, destined to define culture, change lives and create history; yet too easily we can sit, eyes glued and mind-numbed as we watch episode after episode.
We all face the same battle between destiny and complacency; the vulnerable inner battle to beat the bulge of lounge living and decide to live in Gods divine purpose. Is this a revolution against Netflix? Is it a revolt against Hollywood? No! Rather a revolution against self.
Here are 2 ways to win the battle between destiny and complacency:
- Know what you believe and why you believe it
Confidently knowing what you believe and why you believe it not only defines your values as a person but also determines if you are a valuable person in time of need. Know the why to your what. - Be confident in your calling and obedient to the Holy Spirit
You are the only one who can do what you were called to do, so be confident in it! Society needs people confident in their identity and purpose to help them find their true identity and true purpose.
This is a call, not to live in the pages of a film script but rather in the pages of destiny. A call to define culture, rather than have it define us. A call to decide to live a life of focus and meaning, to change the world by simply introducing people to Jesus rather than sitting and waiting for the world to change.
It’s not a new concept, it’s an eternal concept. It’s the reason we are alive, it’s the fundamental call of what it means to be a follower of Christ.